Poetry CreatOR II

Created by Jeff Lewis & Erik Sincoff

with help from Darin & Thad Nicholson

Story of the Snail
The snail was hunted, but it wasn't found,
A light wind migrated past, like a zebra breaking wind.
Buried in the sand, a solitary hair stuck out.
It spun out of the bus, a trail of furry violet following.
Yachts are larger than sloths, likewise a tooth is better than nothing.
As it gazed into its eyes it observed "You don't sweat much for being so sympathetic."
The snail trembled, its Mercury shook,
Even as it flees, the snail turns to see the crushed chest chasing it into the sanctuary
What did the snail have in its claw?

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esincoff _AT_ cs.stanford.edu